Undergraduate Recognition Award
Hannah Watson, University of Lincoln, is one of the first recipients of the ASAB undergraduate recognition award. Congratulations, Hannah!
The ASAB Undergraduate Recognition Award recognises undergraduates who have engaged with the study of animal behaviour in an outstanding manner.
Awardees are presented with a certificate by their Higher Education Institute's (HEI) representative, a year’s free membership of ASAB, and will be featured on the ASAB Education webpages.
Awards are limited to one per HEI each year. HEIs from any country within ASAB’s area of activity are welcome to apply.
Awards are made by your University/HEI. Local representatives:
Dr Claudia Wascher, Anglia Ruskin University. Dr Lindsay Murray, University of Chester. Elva Robinson, University of York. Anna Wilkinson, University of Lincoln. Lesley Morrell, Hull University. Sarah Collins, Plymouth University. Professor Andy Radford, University of Bristol. Dr Adam Reddon, Liverpool John Moores University. Dr Andrew King, Swansea University. Dr Julia Myatt, University of Birmingham. Dr David Fisher, University of Aberdeen. Becci Marchand, City College Norwich, Dr Tom Smulders, Newcastle University. Dr Elisabetta Versace, Queen Mary University of London. Dr Joah Madden, University of Exeter.
If your Institution is not listed, why not ask your tutor/lecturer to be your local representative? Alternatively you are welcome to contact the ASAB Education Secretary for assistance.
Information for Institutions
Institutions or members of staff wishing to offer the Award should complete this form and return it to the Education Secretary.
Any member of staff may apply to be their Institution’s Representative (limited to one representative per HEI) provided they are a member of ASAB.