This webpage is only for
’Behaviour 2025’ in Kolkata, India -
For all other conferences see here

ASAB Conference Attendance Grants for
’BEHAVIOUR 2025’ in Kolkata, India

If you have any have any questions about Conference Attendance Grants for ‘Behaviour 2025’ in Kolkata, please contact the Secretary of Grants Committee, Christos Ioannou,


ASAB (the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour) is pleased and honored to offer grants to ASAB members to attend ‘Behaviour 2025’ in Kolkata, India. For those who are not yet ASAB members, it may still be possible to apply for membership in order to apply for a grant (see below). The award provides a contribution towards the cost of registration, accommodation, and meals, as well as the cost of travel to and from the conference.

In addition to Conference Attendance Grants, ASAB also gives Accessibility* (see here) and Childcare Grants (see here) to facilitate conference attendance. We allow applications for any combination of Accessibility, Childcare and Conference Attendance Grants for which the applicant is eligible. (*Please note that ‘Accessibility’ refers to individual needs related to heath, medical or disability issues - not to Developing nation status.)


Please note: ASAB regrets that it cannot accept applications (i) from applicants who are based in the Americas (ie North America, Central America, South America, and associated islands) or (ii) from countries where UK government sanctions or other legal reasons would prevent payment of an award (see here for information on the countries affected).

There are three categories of applicants:

i) For applicants (all seniorities) who are based in India
Maximum grant £800
iii) Applicants must be an ASAB member by 1st April 2025, and if not yet a member, must have initiated the process of becoming a member with the ASAB Membership Secretary by 1st March 2025

i) For applicants (all seniorities) who fall in the ‘Developing Nations’ category as defined on the Behaviour 2025 website, excuding those based in India [“Participants from low- and middle-income countries are eligible to apply under the Developing nations category. If you are unsure of which category you fall in, kindly check here . Here, the list of Developed countries are given and rest of the countries are considered as Developing countries”]
ii) Maximum grant £2500
Applicants must be an ASAB member by 1st April 2025, and if not yet a member, must have initiated the process of becoming a member with the ASAB Membership Secretary by 1st March 2025

i) For applicants (all seniorities) who fall in the ‘Developed Nations’ category as defined on the Behaviour 2025 website [“Here, the list of Developed countries are given”]
ii) maximum grant £2000
Applicants must:
EITHER be without a PhD (or equivalent), or less than five years post-doc (i.e. from the date of their final PhD examination to 1st April 2025), and be an ASAB member by 1st April 2025, and if not yet a member, have initiated the process of becoming a member with the ASAB Membership Secretary by 1st March 2025;
OR if more than five years post-doc (i.e. from the date of their final PhD examination to 1st April 2025), have been a member of ASAB continuously from before 1st April 2024

Eligibility AND Funding

1) Submitting an abstract for a presentation, or making a presentation, at the conference is not an eligibility criterion for a grant, but may be used to decide between potential awardees and/or the amount awarded.

2) The maximum amounts for grant awards for each of the three applicant categories have been set in relation to the likely maximum costs of applicants in that category. You should restrict the amount you request to what is reasonably necessary. Applicants who apply for amounts that seem excessive in relation to their needs may have the amount awarded reduced or their application rejected altogether.

3) The closing date for applications is 1st April 2025 (2359h UTC). If you have submitted an abstract but not yet received the outcome, do not delay in applying for a grant beyond this deadline: Make your application before the deadline and let the Grants Secretary know the outcome of your abstract submission as soon as possible after that.

4) If you are not yet a member of ASAB, the ASAB Membership Secretary must receive your initial application no later than 1st March 2025. Initial membership applications made later than that will result in any Conference Attendance Grant application for ‘Behaviour (ASAB Summer) 2025’ being declared ineligible, even if the membership process is completed before 1st April 2025. (Note: for some senior members applying in the ‘Developed Country’ category, it may already be too late to apply: see the specific eligibility criteria above.)

5) We aim to inform you of the outcome of your application no later than the end of April 2025, and hopefully earlier.

6) Funding is conditional on conference attendance. Awardees who fail to attend the conference due to unforeseeable circumstances (eg sickness or travel disruption) and have unrecoverable expenses may request reimbursement. Such requests will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

7) Successful applicants will usually receive their funding after the conference and should retain all receipts and other proofs of payment in order to claim their grant.

Application Format

Applicants may download the application form here and the equality and diversity monitoring form here . Applications should be saved using the file name ‘SurnameAC.docx’ and submitted to the Secretary of the Grants Committee as an email attachment. The equality and diversity monitoring form should be submitted with the file name changed to ‘SurnameED.docx’ as an attachment to the email in which the application form is submitted or to a separate email.