Animal Behaviour Journal Awards
If you have any questions or comments about the Animal Behaviour Journal Awards, please contact the Executive Editor.
We make three awards each year for papers published in the journal. Each award is worth £2,000, which can be spent on animal behaviour research, attendance at conferences or other animal behaviour related activities, but not on salary.
Nominations are sought by the Executive Editor whenever a paper is accepted in the Animal Behaviour Journal.
Awards are made to the following:
a) Student Award: for any first author whose paper was accepted whilst they were still an undergraduate, Masters or PhD student.
b) Early-Career Award: for any first or last author whose paper was accepted within 3 years (full-time equivalent) of receiving their PhD (taking into account breaks due to, for example, illness or parental leave).
c) Geographical Award: for any first or last author from an institute in a Low or Middle income country in the World Bank’s classification by the income of countries (
Recent recipients of awards