This page contains the resources: Activity levels in fruit flies depending on temperature, Vigilance behaviour in meerkats, Changes in plumage in canada goose goslings, Vigilance behaviour in barnacle geese, Deer blind date.
Activity Levels in Fruit flies depending on TEMPERATURE
Created for ASAB Dr Lena Grinsted and Violet Gibson, University of Portsmouth. Thank you to Bill Budenberg and Shanelle Kohler of Zantiks for providing the video footage of Drosophila. This photo by Dr. Stephanie Rollman
A 3 hour practical for 30 students. The objective of this lab practical is to examine changes in locomotor activity of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, in relation to ambient temperature variations. This resource uses both manual and automatic data collection methods based on video recordings of fruit fly behaviour. Teacher’s manual, Lab manual, Powerpoint presentation, Excel master, Excel decoding file, Video files, Teacher’s manual printable version, Lab manual printable version.
Vigilance behaviour in meerkats
This resource provides educators with a comprehensive teaching pack to enable them to conduct behavioural observations in the classroom with students, through the medium of meerkat. The resource is designed to run as a complete programme of study for A-level students / further education students or higher education students with limited prior experience of studying animal behaviour. The activities start at a basic level and progressively get more advanced, using various statistical techniques to analyse the the collected data.
Created for ASAB by Samantha Hammond, Centre for Applied Zoology, Cornwall College, Newquay
This resource looks at the appearance and behaviour of two birds, the Canada goose and the sandwich tern, and mainly the former.
Teaching resource
Powerpoint: behaviour and extension images
Powerpoint: preliminary, simple, and training images
Created by: Les May.
This is a study of the vigilance behaviour of barnacle geese grazing in winter. The resource is designed to help students understand the importance of defined categories of behaviour and obtain experience in recording the frequency and duration of defined behaviours; understand the trade-off between feeding and vigilance; understand the advantage of group feeding in reducing vigilance costs.
Mating success in fallow deer depends on female choice. Which buck would you choose? Listen carefully…