ASAB Accessibility Grants
If you have any questions about ASAB Accessibility Grants, please contact: Christos Ioannou (c.c.ioannou[at] Secretary of Grants Committee. Usually there are three application rounds per year with deadlines of 1st February for the Spring meeting, 1st June for the Summer meeting, and 1st October for the Winter meeting. We will aim to let you know the outcome of your application within two weeks of your application being submitted
The next application deadlines for
ASAB Accessibility Grants are:
✱ Applications accompanying a Conference Attendance Grant application: the same
deadline as that Conference Attendance Grant application
✱ All other Applications: 1st February 2025
[ASAB Spring 2025 Meeting in Liverpool, UK] or 1st June [Behaviour (ASAB Summer)
2025 in Kolkota, India]
We at ASAB believe that our members should not be prevented from attending our conferences by additional attendance costs created by individual needs such as disability or medical needs. (Please note: this does not include visa and travel costs related to the distance you will be travelling to attend the conference, or the lack of personal or institutional funds to support conference attendance. However, applicants who qualify as a ‘Developing Country applicant’ are eligible to apply for a higher Conference Attendance Grant than other applicants; see here.) If you are in doubt whether your needs qualify, please contact the Secretary of Grants Committee before applying.
To encourage ASAB conference attendance, ASAB awards Accessibility Grants of up to £500. The awards are designed to provide a flexible contribution towards the additional costs of conference attendance faced by members with individual needs such as disability or medical needs that mean their conference attendance costs are higher than would otherwise be expected. The application may include the costs of the applicant and/or assistant(s). Typically, very high proportions of first and repeat applications are awarded.
In addition to Accessibility Grants, ASAB also gives Conference Attendance (see here) and Childcare Grants (see here) to facilitate conference attendance. We allow applications in relation to a particular conference for any combination of Accessibility, Childcare and Conference Attendance Grants for which the applicant is eligible. (Note that the eligibility criteria for Conference Attendance Grants are more stringent than for the other two grant types.)
• Accessibility Grants are only available for attendance at ASAB conferences.
• Applicants must be ASAB members or have applied for membership. If you are not already a member, you can apply for membership here. If you are already a member, you should check that you are up do date with your membership subscription by logging in on the ASAB Membership Website. To be eligible for a grant you either need to have applied for membership by the closing date, or be a current paid-up member on the closing date.
• Presentation of a paper at the conference is not a condition of eligibility.
• Priority may be given to first-time applicants, early-career applicants, those working under the theme of the conference and those presenting their work.
• ASAB does not usually fund applications from applicants based in the Americas.
• ASAB regrets that it is unable to accept applications from countries where UK government sanctions would prevent payment of an award (see here for information on the countries affected).
• Successful applicants will usually receive their funding after the conference and should retain all receipts and other proofs of payment in order to claim their grant.
Usually there are three application rounds per year with deadlines of 1st February for the Spring meeting, 1st June for the Summer meeting, and 1st October for the Winter meeting. We will aim to let you know the outcome of your application within two weeks of your application being submitted.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain a referee’s statement in support of their application prior to the deadline. The referee should be a senior colleague.
Application Format
Applicants may download the application form here. Applications should be saved using the file name ‘SurnameCG.docx’ and submitted to: Christos Ioannou (c.c.ioannou[at] Secretary of Grants Committee as an email attachment.