The 2017 ASAB Easter Conference (#ASABe17) will be held at the University of Liverpool, starting on Wednesday April 5th with a Postgraduate Workshop, followed by conference sessions on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th April.
Plenary speakers will include
Dr Eli Leadbeater (Royal Holloway University of London),
Prof Matt Gage (University of East Anglia),
the 2017 winner of ASAB’s Chris Barnard Award for Outstanding Contributions by a New Investigator will be awarded to Dr Laura Kelley (Exeter University)
As usual, ASAB’s Easter conference is aimed at postgraduate students and postdocs, but is open to anyone interested in animal behaviour.
The conference is being organised by Paula Stockley, Stefan Fischer, Jane Hurst and members of the by the Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution Group with support from the broad community of researchers at Liverpool with shared interests in the study of animal behaviour.
Liverpool is a dynamic multicultural city, home to 50,000 students, with a thriving cultural scene and World Heritage skyline. The conference will include opportunities to sample the diverse cultural offerings and vibrant nightlife of the city. We hope you will join us!
For further details see our conference website, and follow Facebook ASAB Easter 2017.
Hotel rooms can be booked at fixed rate until March 3rd. See the list of participating hotels. Full list of accommodation is available here.