Update on ASAB (Accreditation) Ltd.
In 1998 ASAB established a working party to examine the need for a professional framework for people working in applications of animal behaviour in the UK. This resulted in the formation of ASAB (Accreditation) Ltd as a not-for-profit accreditation organisation for Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourists (CCABs).
It was always envisaged that, at some point, the accrediting organisation would become independent. The ASAB Council and the ASAB Accreditation Committee have agreed now is that time. This means all aspects of the accreditation of CCABs will now be managed by a new separate company, CCAB Certification Ltd.
CCAB Certification would like to thank ASAB for all the support and guidance it has given us over the years.
For more information, please see the CCAB Certification website at www.ccab.uk
To find a CCAB Certificated practitioner please follow the link below.